11:47 PM

Ciprofloxacine :

Tablet 250mg,500mg,750mg,1gm XR ,Syrup & Injection IV.
About Ciprofloxacine: It's a fluroquinolone drug.A synthetic quinolone anti-infective agent or medicine.This drug is broad spectrum atibiotics, active against most gram negative aerobic bacteria including Enterobacteri case and pseudomonus aeruginosa,It's act also against Enteic fever,salmonella typhus  ,skin and soft tissue infection like cut,old infection,lung abscess,UTI,ARI, and other noctural disease.
Ciprofloxacine has a wide range of bactirosidal activity.

Use and indication:

Ciprofloxacie is used adult urinary tract infection,respiratory infection,skin and soft tissue infection,bone  and joit infection,gastrointestinal infection caused by gram positive and gram negative bacteria.It is also used uncomplicated gonorrhea caused by penicillin producing neiseria gonorrhoea. 
Almost it's a wide range  coverage in human body against bacteria.
Dose --Depends on the severity  of disease. use uto 4gm/Day.

Precaution and warning:

It    should be be used with caution in patient with suspected  or known CNS disorder such as arterioscalerosis or epilepsy or other factor with predispose to sizures and convultion.

Pregnancy and Lactation:

The safety and effectiveness of ciprofloxacine in pregnant and lactating women has been not established evidence.

Contraindication :

Patient with a history or  hypersensitivity of ciprofloxacine or other quinolone drug.

Special Information: All medicine can not be used without consult pharmacist.


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